How Far Apart Can Contractions Be at the Start

As an experienced copy editor, I understand the importance of using proper grammar to convey clear and concise information. One area that often raises questions is the use of contractions at the start of a sentence. Specifically, writers often wonder how far apart contractions can be used at the start of a sentence while still maintaining proper grammar.

First and foremost, it should be noted that contractions at the start of a sentence should generally be avoided in formal writing. However, in more casual or conversational writing, the occasional use of contractions at the start of a sentence can add a natural flow and rhythm to the text.

When it comes to how far apart contractions can be used at the start of a sentence, there is no hard and fast rule. The most important thing is to ensure that the contraction still makes sense in the sentence and does not create confusion for the reader.

For example, consider the following sentence: “Isn`t it a beautiful day today, with the sun shining and birds singing?” In this case, the contraction “isn`t” is used at the start of the sentence and is followed by a noun clause. The sentence still makes sense and is easy to understand, despite the use of a contraction at the start.

However, if the sentence were to read: “Isn`t it a beautiful day, the sun shining and birds singing?” the use of the contraction at the start could create confusion for the reader. In this case, it would be better to rephrase the sentence without the contraction at the start, such as “The sun is shining and birds are singing – isn`t it a beautiful day?”

In summary, while contractions at the start of a sentence should be used sparingly in formal writing, in more casual writing the occasional use can add flow and rhythm to the text. When using contractions at the start of a sentence, it is important to ensure that they still make sense in the context of the sentence and do not create confusion for the reader.

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